Ready Your Skin with Osmosis Skincare
Posted 4 months ago on - Skin Care
We’ve all heard the expression “You are what you eat,” but how often do we think of our skin when hearing that statement? The truth is autumn ushers in many occasions that center on food. However those cozy fall meals and treats are not necessarily the healthiest, especially considering that very soon copious amounts of candy, cookies and sweets will be around every turn. How can we enjoy the coming season here in Ellicott City while still maintaining healthy, glowing skin and feeling good in that skin?
After talking extensively with our knowledgeable estheticians at Define Hair & Skin, the link between our diet and skin is immense. Did you know that our skin is the largest organ in our bodies? It plays an essential role in the detoxification of our bodies. That means if we consume foods in abundance that do not agree with our bodies, our internal systems try to purge those through our skin, causing breakouts, blackheads, redness and irritation. Some of the major culprits are sugar and dairy.
Sugar has numerous effects on our skin. Too much sugar can cause the skin to dry out which causes premature aging. We definitely don’t want that! Conversely, too much sugar can cause an overgrowth of candida, or yeast, in our digestive system which leads to candida acne. Candida feeds off of sugar so the more sugar we eat (or foods that break down into sugars), the worse our digestive system is and the more candida acne we can have.
Dairy is sadly another culprit. Dairy is a major offender because it often has a significant inflammatory response in the body which produces mucus (yucky but true), leading to acne, redness and congestion in the skin. Dairy isn’t the only food that does this. Fried foods and citric acid can have the same effect. Citric acid can be found in orange juice and tart candy, among other things.
So many factors also affect our skin like hormones, other foods, pesticides, and heavy metals. We cannot control everything but the choices we make can have a profound impact on our well-being. Why not try to limit certain foods that we know may adversely affect us and our skin? That doesn’t mean never consuming sugar ever again. Where’s the fun in that? It does mean making mindful, balanced choices concerning our consumption of sugary foods, dairy products and alcohol. Maybe one or two small pieces of dark chocolate would satisfy our craving instead of a whole milk chocolate candy bar? Or switching our dairy creamer for a non-dairy alternative might taste just as good in our coffee. Little changes build off of each other and become big changes.
But what if we need a little extra help detoxifying our skin? At Define Hair & Skin, we offer a variety of Osmosis Skincare products, including top selling internal supplements such as Skin Clarifier and Digestive Support. These gentle formulas will help rid the body of toxins and assist with the breakdown of dairy and other harder to digest foods, ultimately leaving the skin healthier and more clear. Ready to take back your skin & health? Schedule one of our custom facials personalized just for fall detox treatment and recommendations. Even better, mention this blog post to get 25% off your next internal Osmosis supplement!